Friday, April 4, 2014

Words Of Wisdom

A project we recently completed was called "Words of Wisdom". We had to interview an older person and have them give us words of wisdom. We choose my grandma, Robyn Keawe who talked to us about the importance of doing well in high school. She is a counselor at Kapaa High School so we thought her advice would be helpful to my classmates and I, who will be going to high school next year. Since she is my grandma, it was pretty easy for me to interview her but filming the b-roll was challenging. We had to find time in between our different schedules to get the b-roll footage. Thankfully we were able to get good footage after shooting b-roll twice. Although this project wasn't the easiest, all the hard work paid off.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Five Tips to Stay Organized in School

My teams topic was Five Tips to Stay Organized in School. We choose it because it is something everyone could benefit from. Organization is an important part of succeeding in school. If you loose all your papers and assignments or don't turn them in on time, your grade will be effected. Being organized is something most people struggle with, so we thought making a video with a few tips would be helpful. I think our video could be improved by using more composition techniques, it would keep the viewer interested.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Visit Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

After watching the movie Rio, I've wanted to go to Brazil. Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifth largest country in the world. If I were able to visit Brazil, i'd go to Rio De Janeiro which is one of the main cities in Brazil. A world famous event that happens yearly in Rio is called Carnival, it is known as the biggest carnival in the world and has about 2 million people on the streets per day. Another attraction I would want to check out is the Cristo Redentor statue. It would be so pretty going there when the sunsets.