Saturday, January 18, 2014

All About Me

Hi everyone! I am Sariah Mokuahi. I live on the island of Kaua'i and attend Kapa'a Middle School. I was born on April 10, 2000 on O'ahu but have lived on Kaua'i all my life. I'd say my favorite part about living in Hawai'i is being able to go to the beach. My life summed up in three words would be Sleep, Eat, and Neflix.

Some of my hobbies include playing soccer and dancing hula. I started playing soccer when I was six. Now I play with a team named Pohaku. Hula has always been apart of my life, my mom was a kumu hula (hula teacher) when I was little so I've been dancing since I was two. I started performing when I was four or five and it is still one of my favorite things to do. I'm now apart of the halau Na Hui O Kamaka O Kalani.

One day I hope to go to college somewhere on the mainland, then travel the world. Kaua'i is beautiful but i've already been around the whole island. There isn't much to do here other than go to the beach or hiking, which is why I want to travel. To experience new things in new places. I really want to go to Paris and Tahiti.  I'd like to move to Los Angeles or Miami after I finish college. 


  1. You seem really awesome and cool

  2. Hey! I don't think you know me but your blog is so nice, neat, and organized. GREAT JOB!!! I'm Loving It!

  3. Your blog is really cute! I also really like your All About Me.
