Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Personal Reflection: Practice Story

Our assignment was to create a short story about a topic, we choose "Deshaynee plays soccer". The goal was to have a story that was clear, direct, and interesting. My teammates were Kuulei and Deshaynee. It was important to have good interview and B-roll footage. The voiceovers were another big part of this project.

Personally I think we did well on our Practice Story. When we first filmed B-roll footage it wasn't very good. Some parts had camera movement and we could barely make a sequence with it. So we decided to just focus on the interview and editing what we could. After using the whole class period to edit what we had and do the voiceovers, all we needed was new B-Roll footage. During advisory the next day we filmed, then edited the new parts during class.

In the end we got our video in on time and met the requirements. I think the reason we were able to finish it was because everyone in my group participated and helped. I edited, Kuulei worked on the Transcript, and Deshaynee would help out with both. When we needed to get something done, we tried to do it as soon as possible; which also made a difference. Overall this project was a success.

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