Friday, February 28, 2014

Composition Techniques

Composition Techniques are used in photography and movie making to add interest. Using different composition techniques will keep the viewers interested and allow them to see things from a different perspective. The main four techniques are Rule of Thirds, Leading Lines, Framing, and Unusual Angles.

Rule of Thirds is when you mentally split your image into nine sections. Two horizontal lines and two vertical lines are equally sectioning the picture. To use the rule of thirds technique place your subject on one of the line intersections. Rule of Thirds is a commonly used technique, especially for interviews. 

When using the Leading Lines technique you need to find lines in your image that lead your eyes to a subject or just into the distance. Examples of leading lines could be a bridge, fence, or a train track. Usually leading lines start from the bottom of the image and lead your eyes outward to the main subject. Sometimes there is nothing the lines are leading to, the leading lines themselves could be the subject of the image. 

The framing technique can be achieved by using other objects in your picture to frame the subject. For example, filming through a window. To use the framing techinque you need to put your subject in a natural border. Framing is used to give the image more depth and keep the viewer focused on the framed subject.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your Composition Techniques video! It showed and explained the different techniques greatly. I hope your break was relaxing and amazing! Have a good rest of the year!
