Monday, March 3, 2014

Profile Project Progress

Our Elder Words Of Wisdom video is about my grandma, Robyn Keawe. She works as a counselor at Kapa'a High School. We focus on how the choices we will make in High School affect our future. The reason we choose this topic was because we are going to High School next year so knowing that we need to be focused can help us. The footage was shot at her house and at Kapa'a High School.

The B-Roll was filmed in her office at Kapa'a High School. I went to the office while school was still in session so she was talking to a student. The student didn't mind being filmed, so that's when I got all the B-Roll footage. After importing and editing most of the B-Roll and interview, Deshaynee and Kuulei started the voiceovers. The first time, we imported them incorrectly so we had to re-film.

My team and I can work better together by using all of our time wisely. For example while one person edits, one of us could finish the transcription, and someone else could complete the story board. Also we could be aware of the dead lines so we know what needs to be finished first. To go from good to great, we can reshoot our b-roll because there is some technical issues. Also redo some of the fast voiceovers. In part of the video you can hear me saying "okay.", so we could edit that out. The problem we are facing is finding time to reshoot because of our different schedules. 


  1. Your blog is so cute! Good job on your profile story.

  2. I love the colors in your blog and how there is different shades of that color.
