Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Metamorphosis Animation

Our most recent project that we've finished was the Metamorphosis Animation. In this animation there needed to be some sort of change shown. My team and I used stop motion to create an animation where a girl named Kate changes to try and fit in with different "cliques". Throughout our animation she would have different looks inspired by each group of people. In the beginning she wasn't considered "cool" which was why she tried to become apart of other groups. First she tried to be punk rock, then sporty, and lastly girly. Each time she changed she didn't feel right and wasn't really happy because she felt like she had to change in order to blend in with the certain group. Our focus statement was "Kate Finds Herself" because in the end she realizes she shouldn't have to change and goes back to her old group where she can be herself. I think we did pretty good, but we only had one type of animation. If he used more than one, it could have been better.


Friday, April 4, 2014

Words Of Wisdom

A project we recently completed was called "Words of Wisdom". We had to interview an older person and have them give us words of wisdom. We choose my grandma, Robyn Keawe who talked to us about the importance of doing well in high school. She is a counselor at Kapaa High School so we thought her advice would be helpful to my classmates and I, who will be going to high school next year. Since she is my grandma, it was pretty easy for me to interview her but filming the b-roll was challenging. We had to find time in between our different schedules to get the b-roll footage. Thankfully we were able to get good footage after shooting b-roll twice. Although this project wasn't the easiest, all the hard work paid off.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Five Tips to Stay Organized in School

My teams topic was Five Tips to Stay Organized in School. We choose it because it is something everyone could benefit from. Organization is an important part of succeeding in school. If you loose all your papers and assignments or don't turn them in on time, your grade will be effected. Being organized is something most people struggle with, so we thought making a video with a few tips would be helpful. I think our video could be improved by using more composition techniques, it would keep the viewer interested.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Visit Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

After watching the movie Rio, I've wanted to go to Brazil. Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifth largest country in the world. If I were able to visit Brazil, i'd go to Rio De Janeiro which is one of the main cities in Brazil. A world famous event that happens yearly in Rio is called Carnival, it is known as the biggest carnival in the world and has about 2 million people on the streets per day. Another attraction I would want to check out is the Cristo Redentor statue. It would be so pretty going there when the sunsets.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Practice Profile Story

The purpose of our Practice Story was to show how soccer is a big part of Deshaynee's life. In our video she talks about why she loves the sport, when she started playing, etc. We choose to do this topic because Deshaynee went to a cup in Europe and had many experiences with soccer that would interest the viewers. Also filming her play soccer wasn't a problem because we had a ball and grass fields available to us. Overall our Practice Story was made to inform and entertain viewers about Deshaynee love for soccer.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Profile Project Progress

Our Elder Words Of Wisdom video is about my grandma, Robyn Keawe. She works as a counselor at Kapa'a High School. We focus on how the choices we will make in High School affect our future. The reason we choose this topic was because we are going to High School next year so knowing that we need to be focused can help us. The footage was shot at her house and at Kapa'a High School.

The B-Roll was filmed in her office at Kapa'a High School. I went to the office while school was still in session so she was talking to a student. The student didn't mind being filmed, so that's when I got all the B-Roll footage. After importing and editing most of the B-Roll and interview, Deshaynee and Kuulei started the voiceovers. The first time, we imported them incorrectly so we had to re-film.

My team and I can work better together by using all of our time wisely. For example while one person edits, one of us could finish the transcription, and someone else could complete the story board. Also we could be aware of the dead lines so we know what needs to be finished first. To go from good to great, we can reshoot our b-roll because there is some technical issues. Also redo some of the fast voiceovers. In part of the video you can hear me saying "okay.", so we could edit that out. The problem we are facing is finding time to reshoot because of our different schedules. 

Friday, February 28, 2014

Composition Techniques

Composition Techniques are used in photography and movie making to add interest. Using different composition techniques will keep the viewers interested and allow them to see things from a different perspective. The main four techniques are Rule of Thirds, Leading Lines, Framing, and Unusual Angles.

Rule of Thirds is when you mentally split your image into nine sections. Two horizontal lines and two vertical lines are equally sectioning the picture. To use the rule of thirds technique place your subject on one of the line intersections. Rule of Thirds is a commonly used technique, especially for interviews. 

When using the Leading Lines technique you need to find lines in your image that lead your eyes to a subject or just into the distance. Examples of leading lines could be a bridge, fence, or a train track. Usually leading lines start from the bottom of the image and lead your eyes outward to the main subject. Sometimes there is nothing the lines are leading to, the leading lines themselves could be the subject of the image. 

The framing technique can be achieved by using other objects in your picture to frame the subject. For example, filming through a window. To use the framing techinque you need to put your subject in a natural border. Framing is used to give the image more depth and keep the viewer focused on the framed subject.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Three Shot Sequence

Three Shot Sequence is an essential part in good movie making. The three shot types are wide, medium, and close-up. The wide shot is used to show the area and environment around the subject. Then the medium shot will provide more detail of the scene and gets closer to the subject. Usually medium shots are shown to give the viewer a general overview. Next the close-up is used, this is where your camera should be close to the subject and get details that couldn't be seen in the medium and wide shots. Sequencing is very important, different shots are telling the same story in a different perspective; this keeps the viewer interested. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Personal Reflection: Practice Story

Our assignment was to create a short story about a topic, we choose "Deshaynee plays soccer". The goal was to have a story that was clear, direct, and interesting. My teammates were Kuulei and Deshaynee. It was important to have good interview and B-roll footage. The voiceovers were another big part of this project.

Personally I think we did well on our Practice Story. When we first filmed B-roll footage it wasn't very good. Some parts had camera movement and we could barely make a sequence with it. So we decided to just focus on the interview and editing what we could. After using the whole class period to edit what we had and do the voiceovers, all we needed was new B-Roll footage. During advisory the next day we filmed, then edited the new parts during class.

In the end we got our video in on time and met the requirements. I think the reason we were able to finish it was because everyone in my group participated and helped. I edited, Kuulei worked on the Transcript, and Deshaynee would help out with both. When we needed to get something done, we tried to do it as soon as possible; which also made a difference. Overall this project was a success.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Polar Panoramas

Here are two Polar Panoramas that I created by following multiple steps. First, I got a digital camera and found a location with equal sky and land. Next, I took at least 10 vertical pictures, with the horizon in the center, moving from left to right. After that I edited my photos with Adobe Camera raw then opened the pictures in PS5.5 to create a panorama (File> Automate > PhotoMerge). Once the panorama is created, change image size by making it a perfect square. Next, apply Polar Filter to image by selecting Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates and choosing "Rectangular to Polar" setting. Last step is to fix any imperfections of the image and make adjustments to make your Polar Panorama great!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Magazine Cover

This is my finished magazine cover! It is one of the first things we made in G.T. and it is supposed to represent who we are through the titles and subtitles we choose. We took pictures, edited them, then used Photoshop to complete this magazine cover. Some of my favorite magazines are Seventeen, Vogue, and People.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

All About Me

Hi everyone! I am Sariah Mokuahi. I live on the island of Kaua'i and attend Kapa'a Middle School. I was born on April 10, 2000 on O'ahu but have lived on Kaua'i all my life. I'd say my favorite part about living in Hawai'i is being able to go to the beach. My life summed up in three words would be Sleep, Eat, and Neflix.

Some of my hobbies include playing soccer and dancing hula. I started playing soccer when I was six. Now I play with a team named Pohaku. Hula has always been apart of my life, my mom was a kumu hula (hula teacher) when I was little so I've been dancing since I was two. I started performing when I was four or five and it is still one of my favorite things to do. I'm now apart of the halau Na Hui O Kamaka O Kalani.

One day I hope to go to college somewhere on the mainland, then travel the world. Kaua'i is beautiful but i've already been around the whole island. There isn't much to do here other than go to the beach or hiking, which is why I want to travel. To experience new things in new places. I really want to go to Paris and Tahiti.  I'd like to move to Los Angeles or Miami after I finish college. 

Spherical Panoramas

These are my two finished Spherical Panoramas. The first thing I did was take 10-15 images in a 360 degree rotation, it was important to overlap the images by about 10%. Next I edited the pictures in Adobe Camera Raw, then using Photo Merge in Photoshop a panorama was created. After this I re-sized the panorama to be a square and filtered the image using polar coordinates. The last step was to hide any unnecessary lines by using the blend and clone stamp tool.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Final Photomontages

These are two photomontages I made that are inspired by David Hockney, who was the first person to make a joiner. After taking tons of pictures of one subject, I used Camera Raw in Adobe Bridge to edit them. Next I opened the edited pictures in Adobe Photoshop and hand stitched them to create a finished photomontage.